Meet Our Pastor

Pastor Mike and Stephanie Marshall
Pastor Marshall accepted the call to the senior pastorate of Faith Baptist Church ion 2023 and arrived for the first Sunday in July.
Pastor Marshall has served in many roles of ministry. Being raised in a missionary’s home, he traveled with his parents to many churches, helping with the missions presentations and special music. In college, he worked with the children’s ministries on Sundays and Wednesdays at his local church, including the role of bus captain.
While still in college He had the opportunity to help his father plant a new church near Great Lakes Naval Base to be a lighthouse to the community and sailors stationed there. After his father passed in 2014, the church voted to merge with Victory Baptist Church. This merge gave the opportunity to continue serving in an associate pastor position until the Lord changed the direction and had him go into military missions. Commissioned by Armed Forces Baptist Missions in 2013 because of the military ministry he was doing alongside his father, the transition was natural. this brought about many more opportunities to minister in churches throughout our nation in preaching, teaching, discipleship, and music.
Having been ordained in 2013 prior to his appointment with AFBM, he began to feel the Lord directing him towards the pastorate position in 2022. Ministry partners in a couple states helped Faith Baptist Church get in contact and the call was extended after much prayer and a unanimous vote of the membership. The call was extended five days before his wedding with his beautiful bride, Stephanie. Packing up their belongings, they moved to Baldwin to start two new adventures together, serving the Lord.