Faith Baptist Church History
The Faith Baptist Church of Baldwin was stablished April 16,1967, under the guidance of Pastor Harold Eckert, Dr. Arthur Allen of the Minnesota Baptist Association and the state Baptist missionary, Grant Rice, with 14 charter members. The church began worshipping in the Legion Hall in Baldwin and then rented an old church building in Baldwin. Pastor Eckert served as Pastor of Faith Baptist until accepting another call in August 1971. In November of 1971 Pastor David Denning was called to serve at Faith Baptist as pastor.
In July of 1972 nine acres were purchased from Marion DeJong for the new home of Faith Baptist Church of Baldwin. The church is located ¼ mile west of Highway 63 on Highway 12. Construction began in August 1972 and the first Sunday in the new unit was January 7, 1973. Much of the work was done by members of the congregation.
Pastor Denning left the later part of 1975 with Pastor Ken Sisco coming to Baldwin as Interim Pastor from January 1976 to June 1978. Pastor Everett Holmes pastored from July of 1976 to July 1978. Pastor Phil Bushy accepted the call to Faith Baptist in August of 1978, first as Interim Pastor then as Pastor until July of 1987. Pastor Bushy purchased one acre of land from the church when he came to Baldwin and built his own home on the church grounds. When he left in July of 1987 the church as able to buy the home from the Bushys so that they once again own 9 acres of land with a church and parsonage.
In the early 1980’s the church was named as beneficiary in the Will of Russel Holzer. The money was to be used to pay off the mortgage on the church building. The church now only owes on the parsonage.
Pastor Garry Thompson accepted the call to Faith Baptist Church in August of 1987. The desire of Faith Baptist Church is be a lighthouse to guide sinful man to the light of this world, Jesus Christ, and then aid believers in living a consistent, full and joyful life for Christ.