Oct 12-16
We hope to have you join us here for our Old Fashioned Picnic & Camp Meetings. These will be held outdoors, weather permitting. The picnic on Oct 12th will include great food, fun games, music, and Bible, all with an Old Fashioned twist. We encourage all who come out to dress for a church picnic like they did before 1950. We will have races for the kids, a cider press, snow cones, and of course, the pie. Bring a pie just for eating or enter one into our pie contest! The picnic begins at 1pm. we will keep the day rolling along with fun, fellowship, and hopefully some new friends!
The Camp Meetings, starting after the picnic on Saturday the 12th, will serve to refocus us on the truth of the Word of God. We plan for old fashioned preaching, not the stomp and snort kind per se, but the kind that encourages the believer in truth, and points the doubtful or skeptic to the simple tenets of the Christian faith. no matter where you find yourself in life, we hope you will join us to find out what this is all about!
Picnic October 12th 1pm
Sunday October 13th 10:30am with lunch to follow & 6pm
Mon-Wed October 14th-16th 7pm